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Office Hours
Winter Hours (As of October 15, 2024)
Monday to Friday 9am-3pm
Saturday by appointment only
Closed Sundays
3201 Redmond Pit Rd.
Vanderhoof, BC, V0J 3A0
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Frequently Asked Questions
Delvo is a retardant that delays the chemical reaction that causes concrete to set. This keeps the concrete fresh until arrival at the job site. We recommend adding delvo when our trucks have to travel more than half an hour, weather dependent.
High early is an accelerator that increases the rate at which concrete sets. This is used on cooler days to help the concrete set.
For more information on what strength of concrete you will need, feel free to contact us directly for assistance, or visit the Recommended Strengths section of the Redi Mix page to learn more.
Although the terms cement and concrete often are used interchangeably, cement is an ingredient of concrete. Concrete is a mixture of aggregate, portland cement, water and additives. Through a process called hydration, the cement and water harden and bind the aggregates into a rocklike mass. This hardening process continues for years meaning that concrete gets stronger as it gets older. So, there is no such thing as a cement sidewalk, or a cement mixer; the proper terms are concrete sidewalk and concrete mixer.
Temperature extremes make it difficult to properly cure concrete. On hot days, too much water is lost by evaporation from newly placed concrete. If the temperature drops too close to freezing, hydration slows to nearly a standstill. Under these conditions, concrete ceases to gain strength and other desirable properties. Concrete can be poured between +35C and -15C with proper preparation
The ‘slump’ of concrete refers to the consistency of fresh concrete before it sets – Simply put, the higher the slump, the wetter the mix. Four-inch (4”) slump is very common with normal weight concrete and is good for pumping.
It’s called a slump because it’s measured by testing how much a pile of concrete slumps down when left to stand! The test is done by filling a cone with a sample of the concrete, removing the cone, and measuring how far the concrete has slumped.
Yes, we do make coloured concrete. You as the customer must supply your own dye.
Plasticizer is a water reducer that improves the workability of the concrete without the addition of extra water, or decreasing the strength of the concrete. Adding too much water reduces the strength of the concrete.
You will need to ensure that all proper prep work is completed and the finisher/contractor will be on site at the time scheduled for concrete delivery. You will need to have adequate room for the concrete mixer at the jobsite as well as a place where we can rinse out the truck after the pour.